No teen should have to endure a youth group that isn’t fun, but let’s just be sure we strike the right balance.
sunday school
7 Myths of Single Life
Here are seven popular myths of single life that many singles buy into…
Thoughts on Effective Youth Ministry
Effective youth ministry is about faithfully obeying the timeless principles of God’s word…
Making God’s Will Less Confusing
Life is complex. God’s will isn’t. In fact, at any given moment, there’s a powerful question you can ask to determine if you are in or out of His will…
The Top Questions of Young Christian Singles
Here are the most oft asked questions that come from our College and Career department as well as the Singles…
10 Ways to Lose a Teen’s Attention
Quick post—the top ten ways to completely bore and disconnect with those you teach…
Getting Teens to Air Their Questions
Students have a lot of questions—and most of them never get asked. They just hold them inside, often afraid they will be condemned for even having a question…
How George Mueller Discerned God’s Will
George Mueller listed the following steps he believed were necessary in determining God’s will regarding any decision…
Beating Post HS Challenges (3)
Life just gets better and better for those who live God’s way and survive the tests and temptations of young adulthood!…
Beating Post HS Challenges (2)
After graduation, those who choose the wrong crowd basically choose the wrong life!…