March 18, 2009

The Best Investments We Can Make

Written By Cary Schmidt

It seems like all we hear in today’s media is about the terrible economy and the tough times. And while I don’t minimize the struggles of many Americans, I do place my confidence in something far greater! Amid times like these God repeatedly reminds me of a foundational value in my life and family—a decision made years ago of how to invest that which God has entrusted to us.

How do you invest your resources, your finances, your time, and your life? Where do you go to find the most secure investment of these precious stewardships? Early in our marriage, Dana and I made a decision. We decided to jump into God’s investment program with our whole hearts. We chose to hold nothing back. And nineteen years later, we are thankful for that decision. It all boils down to two basic investments.

First, We Invest Into God’s Work Through Our Local Church. God’s Word is so clear on this. Jesus died for the church, and all throughout the known world in the first century the Apostles went about establishing local churches—called out assemblies of believers where people were reached with the gospel, discipled in their new faith, and established upon biblical principles of life. The book of Act details this. Then the epistles of the New Testament were primarily written to local churches giving clear instructions for leadership, ministry, and order in God’s work. In a day where many carnal churches have abandoned God’s principles and are completely ineffective; or where many are abandoning God’s instruction for a more vague, universal, and invisible concept of “the church”—we are so glad we have invested our hearts, our time, our family, our resources, and our futures into a thriving, biblical, local church where God is glorified and where lives are being changed.

Our investment is literally touching the world locally and globally in a multitude of ways! In a world of a million options for investing and a million causes to support—you will never regret pouring yourself into His plan—a local, Bible-believing church. Through our church, God allows our investment to touch our church family, our city, our community, our state, and our world! What an amazing blessing—to invest into God’s work as it circles the globe by His providence. For instance, as we visit the mission field and meet some of our own graduates who now serve in those fields, we rejoice in how our investment has brought forth fruit over the years!

Second, We Invest Into Our Family—our marriage, our children, and their futures!  As I do premarital counseling I love to share this one with young couples. I love to tell young husbands—it’s not selfish to do something really nice for your wife! It’s love and it’s an investment. It’s obedience to God’s command to love and care for her. Second to God, our primary area of investment is into the wonderful marriage and children that God has given us! And now, as our oldest is approaching college and saving for his future, we are so delighted to consider how God will allow us to continue investing into him and his future for God. While we are slightly sad to see him grow so fast—we are so excited and thankful to invest into what God desires to do with his life.

What are you investing into? Consider your time, your abilities, your resources, your finances? Are you investing into your local church—God’s institution for changing the world? Are you investing into your own family? These are two investments that God will always bless and multiply! You just can’t go wrong with these two—regardless of the world economy!