Sometimes God says, “go forward” and sometimes God says “stand still.” So, which does God want us to do? Stand still? Or go forward?
A Value-Driven New Year
How about some “new year values” instead of some “new year plans?” Plans are fine, but over 30 years of ministry and life planning, my takeaway is plans are often overrated.
10 Ways to Win Over Winter Emotions
Ready for winter? If you don’t live in a “wintery place” move along—there’s nothing to see here. For the rest of us—I happily send you these 10 ways to win over winter emotions (plus a bonus!)
My Most Powerful Deliberate Spiritual Practice
Are you ever overwhelmed by circumstances beyond your control? Do you, like me, tend to default to manufacturing your own solutions? When things go badly, my immediate instinct is to solve, avoid, escape, or forge my own solutions to my situation.
In The Gospel Podcast and Weekend
My Favorite Sermon Preparation Software
A friend recently asked me to do a post about the Bible study software or sermon resources I use. Here’s a quick snapshot of that part of my world…
Five Great Books for Productivity
Are you striving to live a balanced life of good stewardship? Several times a month I’m asked “What are the best books on time or life management that you have read?”…
The Hidden Values of Preparation
This past week I had one of those “well duh!” moments. There’s a side of preparation we don’t usually think of…
7 Ideas for Your Personal Planner System
This fourth and final post on an annual planner is just for ideas…
Implementing Your New Year Plan
So you’ve spent several hours or days mapping out vision, goals, projects, events, calendar, details, and tasks—now what?…