Throughout the year, our ministry to College and Career and Singles brings us into counseling, retreats, and venues where young Christian singles are airing really good questions. I have previously shared the details behind our Q&A times (both for teens as well as singles).
Here are the most oft asked questions that come from our College and Career department as well as the Singles:
1. How do your parents’ roles change as you get older? (What do I do if my parents are very controlling?)
2. How can you be 100% sure about God’s will for your life?
3. How do I discern or understand that God is leading in a certain direction?
4. Where/how do you draw the line on music?
5. How do you react/talk to friends who have trials that you can’t understand?
6. How do I deal with co-workers who ridicule me for being a Christian? (How can I witness to my co-workers?)
7. How do you not let fear of the future stop you from moving forward?
8. Dating—finding the right person, developing a godly relationship, when to say “I love you,” parents’ approval, dealing with breaking up, being physical, etc.
9. How do I approach my finances—budgeting, saving, giving, etc.?
10. How can I handle trials and stay faithful through them?
11. How do I deal with spiritual struggles—my relationship with God being up and down or failing in the same areas over and over?
12. How can I help a friend that I’m burdened for who is drifting away from the Lord?
Why share these? Well, simply for those who work with these groups, these are the topics that they are wrestling with—so we should make sure we’re addressing these things regularly and biblically. In a recent post, I shared about how to lose attention while you’re teaching or preaching—these topics are almost certainly attention grabbers, because they are so common and so present in the daily lives of young Christian adults.
Hopefully this list will spur you on in your Bible teaching, counseling, and ministry to Christian young adults.