This fourth and final post on an annual planner is just for ideas…
time management
Implementing Your New Year Plan
So you’ve spent several hours or days mapping out vision, goals, projects, events, calendar, details, and tasks—now what?…
More on Developing a New Year Planner
Contents of a New Year Planner
Overworked or Under-Appreciated?
This notice from 1852 was found in the ruins of a London office building…
How to Write Readable Emails
Have you ever received an email that, at first sight, completely sent your brain into a revolt?…
Helpful Tools for Personal Productivity
Here are a few things things that have made a difference for the Lord’s work that you might find helpful…
Three More Huge Principles for Personal Productivity
Do you find great enjoyment in doing the best you can with the resources and opportunities God has given you?…
Three Huge Principles for Personal Productivity
You start falling behind—too busy, spread too thin, in over your head. At that point, you either give up or grow…
Embracing the Seasons of Life (2)
I get asked a lot about priorities, family time, schedule, and balance. Perhaps these points will cause you to think through big values…