Sometimes we forget that our responsibility is not control, it is influence…
local church
Skeptics, Spectators, and Servants
Are you a skeptic? A spectator? Or a servant? When you are found in the midst of a ministry miracle, which group do you join?…
Three Lost Boys and a Local Church
Jesus Christ is still pleased to work through faithful, imperfect church families for His perfect purposes…
New Data on Church Drop-Outs
Data shows 66% of the young adults who stop attending your church will someday return. Have you loved them enough to leave the door open so they could return?
Why Young People Stay Faithful
Have you ever wondered what contributes to young people staying faithful to the things of God, while others wander away?…
The Hidden Values of Preparation
This past week I had one of those “well duh!” moments. There’s a side of preparation we don’t usually think of…
Re-Igniting Apathetic Teens
As long as we serve in ministry, we will be fighting apathy—it’s what we are called to do…
The Forgotten Side of Submission
So often we hear teaching on submission that makes it sound so difficult and self-denying…
Five Values of Successful Homeschooling
I’ve known many success stories in homeschooling, and in every case, the family had these five basic values in place…
Problems with Fun-Focused Youth Ministry
No teen should have to endure a youth group that isn’t fun, but let’s just be sure we strike the right balance.