Growing in the Gospel with Cary Schmidt YouTube Video VVVCeHk0R05rQjZSUDJya2tYUGxyc2pRLkdqWi10VkFDY2NR My God-Empowered Spiritual Gifts | Made for More Part 4 | Cary Schmidt God's Promise of Ultimate Victory! | Psalm 149 | Cary Schmidt Discover God's Pleasure in YOU! | Psalm 149 | Cary Schmidt The Power of Worshipping Together! | Psalm 149 | Cary Schmidt Even in our weakness, shortcomings, and unworthiness, God chooses us and equips us for His purpose. Starting Our Last Psalm! | Psalm 149 | Cary Schmidt Taking a Short Break | Psalms Will Resume on March 3 | Cary Schmidt Celebrating Jesus as Judge | Psalm 98 | Cary Schmidt Celebrating Jesus as King | Psalm 98 | Cary Schmidt